TRIO Student Support Services
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally-funded TRIO Program that provides academic opportunities to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next.
What are the requirements?
To determine if you qualify, we recommend you apply or meet with us concerning your eligibility for SSS. Eligible students are enrolled at HCC and meet one or more of the following criteria:
- first generation college student (a parent does not have a four-year college degree);
- limited or low income (SSS uses taxable income which qualifies many students. Taxable income is normally significantly lower than your actual income); or
- documented physical or learning disability
What are program benefits?
Tutorial Assistance - Tutoring is available in math and other academic areas. Individual and group tutoring is available. Our online computer lab offers 24/7 access to free virtual tutoring in most college subjects.
Transfer Assistance - Tours to area universities include meetings with advisors, housing, financial aid, and admissions. Academic advising and interest interviews are provided to participants to assist with degree program selection.
Extra Grant Aid Money - Extra financial aid money is available to qualified participants.
Additional SSS resources
- Computer lab for workshops
- College skills workshops
- Academic counseling
- College transfer assistance
- Career counseling assistance
- Financial aid counseling
- Financial literacy counseling
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Learning Resource Center (Library), Room 100
Phone: (270) 707-3909
Contact: Teri Bradford
Email: tbradford0022@kctcs.edu
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Greg Marable, Program Director
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Learning Resource Center (Library), Room 100C
Phone: (270) 707-3910
Contact: Greg Marable
Jesse Frailey, Academic Program Coordinator
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Learning Resource Center (Library), Room 100B
Phone: (270) 707-3919
Contact: Jesse Frailey
Aaron Pettus, Transfer Coordinator
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Learning Resource Center (Library), Room 100A
Phone: (270) 707-3912
Contact: Aaron Pettus