Hopkinsville Rotary Scholars Program
About the program...
The Hopkinsville Rotary Scholars Program is an unprecedented partnership between the Hopkinsville Rotary Club and Hopkinsville Community College (HCC). The Hopkinsville Rotary Club has laid the foundation for any student who graduates from a high school in Christian County to attend HCC tuition free for 2-years (4-consecutive semesters, Fall/Spring). The Rotary Scholars Program began with the graduating class of 2012.
Who is Eligible?
Regardless of a student's county of residence, any student who graduates from Christian County High School, Hopkinsville High School, Heritage Christian Academy, or University Heights Academy and meets the requirements stated below will be eligible.
- While in high school, each student must enroll in and successfully complete, with a C average or better, a one-time tuition-waived *GEN 100 “Orientation to College” course, at HCC their senior year. (If the student elects to take the course for a better grade, Hopkinsville Community College will not waive the tuition cost for the course beyond the first initial attempt of the course).
- The student must graduate with a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 or higher.
- The student and their guardian MUST complete the FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid - form NO LATER THAN MAY 15 of his/her senior year. This is to ensure that the US Department of Education can relay information to HCC's financial aid office.
- The student must achieve a cumulative high school attendance of 95% or above.
- The student must never have been expelled from high school.
- The student must enroll full-time (12 credit-hour minimum) at HCC by MAY 15 of his or her senior year.
Requirements to Maintain Scholarship Eligibility at HCC*
- Student must enroll as a Full-time student (12 credit-hour minimum) every semester by MAY 15, and maintain a full-time status by the close of that semester (Fall & Spring only).
- Students must maintain a cumulative college GPA of 2.0 or higher per semester.
- The student must complete his/her FAFSA application no later than May 15 annually.
- The student must maintain the standard for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as described by the US Department of Education.
*If the student fails to maintain ALL of the standards for eligibility, HCC reserves the right to remove the student's status as a Rotary Scholar, resulting in loss or unconditional ineligibility of the Rotary Scholarship.
Is the Rotary Scholars award a grant or loan?
The Hopkinsville Rotary Scholars program is a grant/scholarship. There will not be an expectation of repayment. Support of the fund-raising activities of the Hopkinsville Rotary Club is encouraged.