If you earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below a 2.0 at the end of a term, you will be placed on academic probation. You can get off of academic probation by earning at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
If you are placed on academic probation for two consecutive terms (which is noted on your transcript as "subject to dismissal" the second time) and you do not earn either a cumulative GPA or a term GPA of at least a 2.0 in the third term, you will be academically suspended. Non-enrollment has no effect on your probation status.
If you are on academic suspension and wish to return to college, you must meet with a designated college official who will review your case. Students attending the Hopkinsville Campus must meet with Dean of Student Affairs, Angel Prescott. Students attending the Fort Campbell Campus must meet with Fort Campbell Campus Director, Tara Rascoe. The Dean of Student Affairs is also available at the Fort Campbell campus during the five open registration periods.
Steps for Academic Reinstatement after Academic Suspension (Dismissal)
If you are on academic suspension, you must remain out of college for at least one 16-week semester and provide evidence of ability to perform at the level required. However, you may apply for immediate reinstatement by completing the following steps:
- Fill out the Academic Reinstatement Appeal Form
- Meet with a designated college official to review your case.
- Provide evidence of your ability to perform at the level required.
- Enroll in a GEN 102 "Strategies for Academic Success" class (required for reinstatement).
After a thorough review, the designated college official will inform you of the decision.
Hopkinsville Campus
Angel Prescott, Dean of Student Affairs
Phone: (270) 707-3801
Fort Campbell Campus
Tara Rascoe, Fort Campbell Campus Director
Phone: (270) 707-3958