Tuition Refund Appeal
The following procedures are to be used by students requesting an exception to the college refund policy. The Refund Appeals Committee will consider an appeal only for classes from which the student has withdrawn. The Refund Appeals Committee will only consider an appeal that is submitted no later than 10 calendar days after the start of the following semester.
Steps to complete the Appeal Process:
- Contact the Office of Financial Aid to review the impact of your decision to drop or withdraw and appeal your assessment and related financial aid or scholarships.
- Complete the drop or withdrawal process for the course work for which you are submitting the refund appeal. (This must be done prior to receiving any consideration for refunds or adjustments.)
- Complete the Refund Appeal Form and supply any supportive documentation to help evaluate your appeal.
- Keep copies for your records.
- Submit the appeal to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs (Administration Building).
Appeals are reviewed on a continuing basis by a committee comprised of representatives from Student Affairs, Business Affairs, & Academic Affairs. Depending on the complexity of the appeal and receipt of all supporting documentation, the processing time may vary from two to four weeks.
Decisions will be forwarded via official letter mailed to the address on file in PeopleSoft.
The decision of the committee is FINAL!