Education Benefits
Eligibility for VA educational benefits is determined by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. All students should visit http://www.gibill.va.gov/ for the most up-to-date information on the education benefits listed below. Find out if you are eligible for the GI Bill® and related benefits, and learn how to apply online.
Once your application for education benefits has been reviewed and processed, you will receive a letter from the Veterans Administration stating your eligibility for VA educational benefits. A copy of this letter needs to be submitted to your School Certifying Official as soon as possible.
Montgomery GI Bill® / Chapter 30 (active duty or veteran status) must have served in the United States Armed Forces and participated in the GI Bill® program. In most instances, veterans must also have been honorably discharged. Veterans must complete an application at https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply. The student must provide a copy of the certificate of eligibility to the HCC School Certifying Official upon enrollment at the college.
VA Vocational Rehabilitation / Chapter 31 (service-connected disabled veterans) must make application with a local VA caseworker to have rehabilitation plan developed indicating an HCC degree plan. The student must provide a copy of the certificate of eligibility, VA Form 1905 (generated by the vocational rehabilitation counselor), to the HCC School Certifying Official upon enrollment at the college.
The Post-9/11 GI Bill® is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®. The Post-9/11 GI Bill® became effective for training on or after August 1, 2009. Veterans must complete an application at https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply. The student must provide a copy of the certificate of eligibility to the HCC School Certifying Official upon enrollment at the college. Certified veterans using Post 9/11 Chapter 33 benefits may defer payment until the tuition benefit is received by the college or until the end of the semester, whichever comes first. Post 9/11 Chapter 33 and grant/loans are posted to the veteran's student account in the order the funds are received by the college. See Post 9/11 Payment Policies for details.
Survivor's and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (dependents and spouses of 100% disabled or deceased veterans)/ Chapter 35 must complete an application at https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply. Once the benefit is established, the VA will issue a certificate of eligibility to the dependent/spouse. The student must provide a copy of the certificate of eligibility to the HCC School Certifying Official upon enrollment at the college.
Montgomery GI Bill® / Chapter 1606 (selected guard and reserves) must have completed all initial entry training (IET) and are now assigned to a Reserve and/or a Kentucky/Tennessee National Guard Unit. Please submit a copy of your DD 214 Form and NOBE (Notice of Basic Eligibility, obtained from your unit education officer).Veterans must complete an application at https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply. The student must provide a copy of the certificate of eligibility to the HCC School Certifying Official upon enrollment at the college.
Getting Started
After gaining admission to Hopkinsville Community College, students should go online to https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply to begin the process of applying for VA benefits. If you are a veteran transferring from another school, you must fill out Form 22-1995 "Change of Program or Place of Training." If you are a family member or dependent, you must fill out Form 22-5495"Change of Program or Place of Training." The following documents should be presented to the college's School Certifying Official when making application for VA benefits:
- DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
- Kicker/Buy Up documentation
- College Fund documentation
- VA Certificate of Eligibility
- Copy of current semester/term college class schedule
Veteran Students' Responsibilities
Tuition and Fee Payment:
Students are responsible for paying all college tuition and fees. HCC and the VA do not have an agreement to process tuition/fee waivers; therefore, failure of the VA to pay students in a timely manner does not eliminate or delay students' financial responsibility to the college. It normally takes the St. Louis VA processing center 6-8 weeks to process new education claims, so please plan accordingly.
Academic Progress and Enrollment:
Veteran students at HCC have ongoing responsibilities to the VA. The HCC School Certifying Official closely monitors each student's enrollment status and academic program. The student's entitlement is based on the number of credit hours for which they are enrolled. Current pay rates can be viewed on the GI Bill® website.
Veteran students at HCC must do the following to ensure continued benefits:
- Submit a Certification Request Form every term you are enrolled in which VA benefits are expected.
- Complete an academic plan with an academic adviser and return to the School Certifying Official with a copy of a current class schedule.
- Notify the School Certifying Official if you:
- change your degree program
- change your schedule / add or drop (notification required within two days)
- withdraw completely (notification required within 24 hours)
- change your address
Chapter 30, 1606 and 1607 Monthly Verification
All students receiving Chapter 30, 1606 or 1607 benefits must verify their monthly enrollment on the last day of each month or after. The benefit (monetary award) will not be released by the VA until this is done. Enrollment verification can be accomplished by using the VA toll-free telephone number (877) 823-2378 or the WAVE feature found on the VA website www.gibill.va.gov.
If you are on active duty, a drilling reservist, or a member of the National Guard you may qualify for Federal or State Tuition Assistance (TA). Many of these programs are time-sensitive so the earlier you get things done, the smoother your benefits will go. Keep in mind that schools and other programs have their own deadlines as well.
Work with your respective branch of service if you plan to use Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA). Please use the following links for additional information.
Air Force
Coast Guard
Kentucky National Guard
My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Program
The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses for the pursuit or maintenance (including continuing education courses) of a license, certification, or associate's degree necessary to gain employment in an occupation or career field.
MyCAA - Spouses must complete a Spouse Training Plan Request form.
Applicants and students must speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or Counselor prior to enrolling.
A waiver of tuition is an education benefit provided by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in recognition of military service of certain Kentucky veterans. The tuition waiver is provided for children, stepchildren, spouses, and un-remarried widows & widowers. Complete the online application, call 502-564-9203, or email kdva.tuitionwaiver@ky.gov for additional information.
VA Work Study Program
Some VA students are eligible to apply for VA work study positions. HCC offers a number of customer service work study positions in the academic affairs and student services departments. Additional VA work study information is available from the Veterans Services offices at both campuses.
Credit for Prior Training and Experience
HCC is required to evaluate prior educational training and experience. This includes military training and experience received while on active duty and any coursework taken at educational institutions even if the coursework was not paid for with VA benefits.
Military credit / transcripts can be obtained from the following locations:
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.