Online/Distance Learners
Some students cannot take classes in a classroom due to scheduling difficulties or childcare issues. Other students may need a course not offered at their home college, but that is offered online at another KCTCS college. If attending classes on a regular basis during the day or evening is simply not possible with your busy schedule, we have the solution. Using our distance learning system, you can take classes virtually wherever you want.
You can take online courses with Hopkinsville Community College instructors. Simply find the section you want in your Student Self-serve and then register. Using our virtual library, online bookstore, and 24-hour help, you can finish an entire program from the comfort of your home or office.
How does online learning work?
You interact with your instructor and other students through a course system call Blackboard. You purchase your texts as for any class, but all your class assignments are provided online. You may take your tests online or you may be required to come to campus to take your tests (proctored tests), so read the course section information carefully!
What do I need to be successful in online learning?
On-line courses require more commitment and self-discipline than classroom courses because you must take responsibility for doing the assigned work, getting assignments completed and submitted on time, and being prepared for tests and quizzes. You will need to pace yourself, rather than relying on feedback from the teacher or other students. It is easy to put off your on-line course when you are not required to be in a classroom each week.
If you are a self-starter, possess self-discipline, and can work independently on a task until it is complete, then you will be a successful on-line student. The ideal distance learner is able to answer these questions positively:
- Am I self-motivated?
- Can I work well independently?
- Do I manage my time well?
- Can I establish and stick to a regular weekly schedule for class work and assignments?
- Am I computer and web literate?
You should also have easy access to a computer that is connected to the Internet (preferably not dial-up), be able to store information on your hard drive or a storage device, and have the software needed for the course (usually at least a word processor). You should be very comfortable using a computer before taking online courses.
You will need to check your KCTCS email several times a week and manage your email account. Your instructor may use email only to communicate with you.
How do I get my textbooks?
If it is a Hopkinsville Community College online class, you will purchase your texts through HCC's Bookstore. If it is from another college, you will use the Online Class Bookstore. Either way, click through to the Bookstore webpage.
What resources are available and what should I know?
- Ask your instructor questions when you need information. That's why he or she is there!
- It is your responsibility to schedule any proctored exams at least five (5) days in advance of when you need to take the exam.
- Instructors do much of their communicating with online students via the announcements section of Blackboard. You should visit Blackboard frequently instructors post emergency info (which changes the class schedule) and assignment due date changes. Test dates may change or sometimes you are allowed to retake a test...visiting Blackboard often is very important to your success.
- Check your email often!
- Use campus resources: Academic Assistance and Advising, the Library, and computer labs.
- Use the Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL) or access the KCTCS libraries through Blackboard.
- Make sure your mailing address and phone number are current in PeopleSoft. If not, you may not receive important mailings/phone calls from your instructor.
- Fill out a withdrawal form if you have to drop a class; otherwise, you get an "E".
- Take these courses seriously; you have to stick with them to be successful.
- Work hard and enjoy the academic credit you are earning on your own!
Distance Learning Support
HCC Advising Center
Phone: (270) 707-3820
KCTCS Blackboard/eLearning 24/7 Help Desk
(traditional online and web-enhanced classes)
(855) 224-6422
"Orientation to Online Classes" Sessions
Students are encouraged to attend an "Orientation to Online Classes" session prior
to enrolling in online classes. The no-cost sessions are held at both the Hopkinsville
and Fort Campbell campuses each semester/term and typically last a little over an
hour. The orientations are advertised via student email, the events section of the
HCC website, Facebook (www.facebook.com/hopkinsvillecc), and posters made available prior to the registration rush periods. Topics covered
- Setting up and using KCTCS email
- Where to log into your online class
- Navigating Blackboard
- Course tools
- Online test taking
- Finding grades and instructor comments
- Using the discussion board
- Submitting assignments
- How to communicate with your instructor
- Getting help
All students enrolled in off-campus or distance learning classes are eligible for library services comparable to those provided to on-campus students.
HCC Services
The library no longer requires a library card. To checkout materials from the library,
students must present their student ID.
Students may access HCC Library's online catalog at https://libproxy.kctcs.edu/Hopkinsville. From the library's webpage, you will also find valuable links.
To use the resources available from the Kentucky Virtual Library, go to the KYVL homepage at http://www.kyvl.org. Access to these databases requires a password, which can be obtained by calling(270) 707-3764. Only students enrolled at a Kentucky college or Kentucky residents may be given the password. Upon verification of your status at Hopkinsville Community College, you will be given the needed password. Residency will have to be confirmed in person. The KYVL site also has a tutorial, which would be particularly helpful to new users.
Interlibrary loan involves borrowing materials from other libraries. All patrons must present a Student ID before submitting Interlibrary Loan requests to receive books or copies of articles through Interlibrary Loan, please review the Interlibrary Loan Fact Sheet. Materials may be picked up at the following locations: HCC main campus library, Fort Campbell Extended Campus Center, Princeton Extended Campus Center, Todd County Public Library, and the Trigg County Public Library. This service is free to all HCC students.
For personal assistance, you may call the library during regular hours of operation or you may email your question to a librarian through the Ask A Librarian page.
If you are enrolled in an off-campus traditional class, scheduled library instruction is available on-site during class time. Requests for this service should be made by the course instructor. Contact Reese Bailey by email at Reese.Bailey@kctcs.edu or by telephone at (270) 707-3768 for more information.
Public Library Services
Hopkinsville/Christian County Public Library, Todd County Public Library, the George Coon Public Library (Caldwell County), the John L. Street Public Library (Trigg County), and Sink Library (Fort Campbell) all have computers equipped with Internet connections. The computer
software packages available vary from library to library. The staffs of all of these
facilities will also borrow materials for you through interlibrary loan if you are
unable to locate what you need at that specific library.