Interlibrary Loan
What is interlibrary loan (ILL)?
Interlibrary loan is a service provided by the HCC Library staff to obtain materials from other libraries for patron use.
Who can request ILLs?
HCC faculty and staff, students who are currently enrolled in HCC classes and anyone with an HCC library card.
Is there a charge?
This service is free to HCC faculty and staff and students unless the lending library charges. Non-HCC students must pay a non-refundable $2.00 per book/article charge which is due before the request will be processed. There are no late charges. Please be considerate and return your book on time so that we can remain in good standing with libraries that we borrow from. If you damage or lose a book, you are expected to pay for the book.
What sources do I use to find ILLs?
Books can be found through the library online catalog. Magazine articles can be found through electronic websites such as Proquest, Academic OneFile, or EBSCOHost. The electronic databases of the Kentucky Virtual Library can also be useful in locating magazine and journal articles. Magazine titles that can be obtained locally are not requested through ILL. Please print a copy of your request and fill out an ILL Request Form available at the ILL desk.
Can HCC always obtain what I request?
Books and magazine articles are the most commonly requested ILLs. Periodical titles owned by HCC are not requested through ILL unless the issue is missing. Most libraries are not willing to loan reference or audiovisual materials. If your request can not be obtained, the ILL assistant will notify you that the request was not obtainable. Please note that more than 5 articles from one title in a five-year period violates the federal copyright laws.
How many titles can I request through ILL?
To allow everyone an opportunity to receive their requested materials in a timely manner, we will process only 5 requests at a time for one person. If you need more than 5 items, you will need to prioritize them. There is no limit on how many requests you can make during a semester.
How long does it take to receive ILLs?
Once a lender has been found, it will take 7 to 10 days to receive requests. The time varies. Requests placed through OCLC could take 10 to 14 days.
How do I request ILLs?
Make a printout of the information you need from the library online catalog or other electronic periodical indexes.
Complete HCC Interlibrary Loan Form.
Present your printouts and completed ILL form at the ILL Desk OR send an email request with full citation and name to awhite0303@kctcs.edu.
Non-HCC students will be required to pay the $2.00 request fee at the circulation desk before requests can be processed.
How will I know when I can pick up ILL material?
You may contact the ILL assistant by email at awhite0303@kctcs.edu or ask at the circulation desk or ILL desk to see if your request has arrived.
Where do I pick up ILLs?
Ask at the ILL desk or the circulation desk. All materials must be desensitized at the circulation desk before you leave the library.
How long do I get to keep ILLs?
This varies from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the lending library. Photocopies are yours to keep.
Can I renew an ILL if I need it longer? How?
Most libraries will let you renew for 2 weeks. You will need to contact the ILL assistant about the materials that you want to renew. The lending library will be contacted about the renewal. You must initiate the follow-up contact regarding your renewal request.
Where do I return ILLs?
Return ILL books to the circulation desk. Photocopies do not need to be returned.
What if I need answers to other questions regarding ILLs?
For additional information concerning ILLs, consult the ILL assistant at the ILL desk, by telephone at (270) 707-3764, or by email at awhite0303@kctcs.edu
Placing ILL requests are time-consuming. Signing a request means that you agree to pick it up.