Youth Workforce Connections
Educational and Employment Services for Out-of-School Youth 18 to 24 Years of Age
The Youth Workforce Connections (YWC) program, funded by the West Kentucky Workforce Board, offers GED assistance, career guidance and training, academic counseling, and employment services to area youths between the ages of 18 and 24 who are economically disadvantaged and face barriers to appropriate employment.
The YWC also facilitates training programs that prepare participants for jobs available in the region. Work experience and paid internship programs are available to assist youths in obtaining high-paying, skilled positions in many careers. The program pays participants the prevailing wage for their position during the training period, providing the employer an opportunity to assess the skills and abilities of the participant before putting him or her on the payroll. Throughout the process, these youths are closely monitored, with the YWC office serving as a resource for both the youth and the employer.
These services are available free of charge. Interested youths and area businesses are encouraged to contact our staff to learn more about how they can benefit from the program.
Youth Workforce Connections Staff
Vicki Bailey, Youth Workforce Connections Coordinator
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Technology Center, Room 124M
Phone: (270) 707-3744
Email: Vicki Bailey
Adrianna Frazier, Youth Workforce Connections Office Assistant
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Technology Center, Room 124
Phone: (270) 707-3749
Email: Adrianna Frazier