Pathfinder Summer Bridge Program
Program Details:
Hopkinsville Community College's Pathfinder Summer Bridge is a grant program funded by the Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education (CPE).
10 students will be selected to attend Hopkinsville Community College Pathfinders Summer P.A.T.H. (Preparedness, Academics, Transition and Help) Bridge Program that begins Monday, July 15 and runs through August 8, meeting Mondays - Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. - noon. This program is completely FREE OF CHARGE.
The program is open to high school graduates from the class of 2024. Interested students must complete the program application by July 1 to be considered.
Students selected for the Pathfinder Summer Bridge Program will receive:
- In person, collegiate experience with long time faculty and staff, expert in navigating the transition from high school to college
- 6 hours of transferable college credit for FYE 105 (First Year Experience) and English 101
- Summer Bridge students who enroll in HCC and successfully complete college courses in the fall 2024 semester will also receive a Dell laptop.
- Guaranteed $250 per semester textbook scholarship, as long as student successfully completes the Summer Bridge program and remains continuously enrolled for 6 or more credit hours each semester (up to four semesters)
- Early access to leadership of HCC and opportunities on campus
Have additional questions?
Contact Kanya Allen