Accessibility Services
The mission of the Accessibility Services Office at Hopkinsville Community College is to ensure individuals with documented disabilities equal access to all educational opportunities under the guidelines of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The office provides a variety of assistive services, which are tailored to individual student needs.
The Accessibility Services Coordinator serves as a liaison between you and your instructor. You may request accommodations through the Accessibility Services Office, located on the Hopkinsville Campus in the Administration Building, Room 205. The same process applies to students who attend classes at the Fort Campbell Campus.
The process of receiving accommodations through Accessibility Services involves a few simple steps:
- Complete admission to Hopkinsville Community College.
- Register for classes.
- Submit a request for accommodation and provide documentation of your physical, mental, and/or learning disability.
- Work with the Accessibility Services Coordinator to establish how much information you wish to disclose and to whom you wish to disclose it to best facilitate your accommodations.
Documentation of the disability and the need for accommodations must be provided before services can be evaluated. You are encouraged to make contact with the Accessibility Services Office at least two weeks prior to the first day of class. Four week notification is encouraged for hearing impairment or vision issues. Advance notification allows the Accessibility Services Coordinator time to arrange appropriate accommodations early enough to be most effective and helpful to you.
Written verification of a disability can be accepted from:
- Medical personnel (physician, psychologist, psychiatrist)
- Vocational rehabilitation counselor
- Therapist (occupational, physical, speech)
Disability Documentation must:
- Be on official letterhead from the diagnosing practitioner and/or institution
- Show the license and/or certification of the practitioner
- Contain evidence of a recent evaluation (within 2 years)
- Describe the nature of the disability (a recognizable diagnosis)
- Include any recommendations/accommodations that may help you succeed in the classroom
Once the disability has been verified, a confidential ADA Request for Accommodation notification will be forwarded to your instructors within one week of receipt by the Accessibility Services Office. Once documentation is complete, you must initiate contact with your instructors to review and discuss the agreed-upon accommodations for the class. HCC encourages early student-instructor communication for all students to support success. While documentation does not have to be provided each semester, you must register with Accessibility Services each semester. If you require assistance during an emergency evacuation, you must register with Accessibility Services at the beginning of each semester.
Accessibility Services Staff:
Accessibility Services Staff
Carmen Lowrie, Senior Administrative Assistant
Accessibility Services Coach
Elana Stubbs, Coordinator of Student Engagement
Office: Emerging Technologies Building, Room 139
Phone: (270) 707-3825
Email: Elana.Stubbs@kctcs.edu
Accessibility Services Forms:
Request for Accommodation Form