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You can help transform a student’s life. The students who attend Hopkinsville Community College are looking to improve their lives and better their futures. They know a quality education is foundational to those goals. As the cost of a college education continues to rise, HCC offers an affordable route to post-secondary study. But even with low tuition costs, that opportunity is out of reach for many HCC students without your help.
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Textbook Funding
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While HCC provides the most affordable route to college, most of our students rely heavily on financial aid. Your dollars support much needed scholarships for students to receive our quality instruction. 

Additionally, you can help build endowments, assuring that HCC students in the future will continue to have higher education opportunities. Your support helps ensure our community's quality of life with educated citizens and a qualified, skilled technical workforce.

You can create your own scholarship fund or endowment to honor the legacy of a loved one or leave a legacy that reflects your own values. 

Gifts of any amount can be made to existing scholarship funds by making an online donation.

Textbook scholarships help offset materials cost for students, enabling them to persist in college.

The average annual cost of books and supplies for college students attending full time, per semester exceeds $1,200, according to the College Board. Now, more than ever, paying for textbooks is a financial struggle. The goal of HCC Foundation is to ensure that the cost of textbooks is never a hindrance for students. 

The Atwood Textbook Scholarship currently provides $500 per semester to aid students with the cost of textbooks. This fund was founded by the generous efforts of Terry Hamby of Cadiz, who appealed to attendees at the annual gala to raise $50,000 in one evening. Mr. Hamby's appeal was successful, and funds to establish the endowment were obtained. The scholarship was named by a previous college president to honor the career and work of longtime Business Affairs Chief Beverly Atwood.

The HCC Foundation's annual Mike Foster Golf Scramble primarily funds the Atwood Textbook Scholarship Fund.

The HCC Foundation also manages the application and award process for the Sam Miles Textbook Scholarship, an institutional endowment. 

Donors may designate gifts to the Textbook Scholarship funds with annual gifts as well as planned gifts.

Plan a gift that reflects your values and extends your legacy.

Would you like to support HCC in a different way? We want to learn more about your interests and values and match them to a specific college need.

Your support can:

  • Provide scholarships for deserving students.
  • Maintain academic excellence by supporting faculty and staff professional development.
  • Sustain programs that support student achievement.
  • Help purchase state-of-the-art instructional equipment.

All funds are used to support the education of students at HCC.

Contact us to develop a customized giving plan that aligns with your philanthropic goals.



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