Associate in Arts Transfer Options
Elementary Education
This guide outlines a recommended course of study to complete the degree requirements for an Associate of Arts degree with an emphasis in elementary education. Assuming no developmental (college-prep) courses are needed, students can earn this degree in two years by completing 15 hours per semester. After completion, students then transfer to a university to work toward a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.
- ENG 101 - Writing 1
- ENG 102 - Writing 2
- COM 181 - Basic Public Speaking
- MAT 150 - College Algebra
- One Biology course with lab
- One non-biology science course
- PSY 110 - Introduction to Psychology
- GEO 152 - World Geopgraphy (cultural studies)
- POL 101 - American Government
- HIS 108 or 109 - US History
- ART 100 - Introduction to Art
- EDU 201 - Introduction to American Education
- EDP 202 - Human Development and Learning
- EDU 140 - Introduction to Behavior Management
- EDU 204 - Technology in the Classroom
- MAT 205 - Math for Elementary Teachers 1
- MAT 206 - Math for Elementary Teachers 2
- MUS 223 - Music for Elementary Teachers
Two courses in either area of Social Interaction and Humanities or in Foreign Lauguage.
Other Program Requirements
- Meet with program advisor each semester
- Earn grade of A or B in ENG, COM, MAT 150, EDU 201, and EDP 202
- Take 25% or more of all courses through HCC
- Maintain 2.75 GPA for transfer admittance to university program