HCC My Start
We’re making it easier to take classes with HCC My Start. We’ve added two additional start dates in both fall 2022 and spring 2023, so you can get in the classes you need, now, and get on your path to a better life sooner!
Fall My Start dates:
Monday, October 24, 2022 and Monday, October 31, 2022
Spring My Start dates:
Monday, January 23, 2023 and Monday, March 27, 2023
Classes Offered:
- CHE 140 Introductory General Chemistry
- CHE 145 Introductory General Chemistry Lab
- MAT 085 Intermediate Algebra
- MIT 217 Medical Office Procedures
- OST 105 Introduction to Information Systems
- COM 181 Basic Public Speaking
- BIO 112 Introduction to Biology
- BIO 113 Introduction to Biology Lab
- FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success
- HUM 135 Introduction to Native American Literature (only offered January 23, 2023 start)
My Start may be for you, if you want to:
- Catch up on credits you need.
- Take extra credit to move closer to graduation.
- Pick up a requirement or fulfill a prerequisite.