Class Schedule
Your schedule is literally at your fingertips.
Everything you need to create your class schedule is available online. Check times and courses, determine availability, and register.
What is Student Self-Service records access?
Web-based access to your schedule, account balance, grades, service indicators, academic advisor information, and financial aid information whenever you need it.
How do I find Classes?
You have three options to find classes - through the Class Search in Student Self-Service (which is the most accurate, up-to-date information available), through a listing of HCC classes or the recently released Visual Schedule Builder (VSB).
The Visual Schedule Builder allows you to build your class schedule around your personal schedule.
Student Self-Service Class Search
How do I...
- register for classes?
- know if a class is full? A course is open unless the Class Status column indicates it is closed or canceled. That status may change daily, so check to see if a closed class reopens. You can also ask your advisor to place you on a waiting list.
- add myself to a waiting list?
- find my course schedule?
Can I get a copy of the course listings?
We no longer print paper course schedules, but you can print the courses you want to view on paper. Simply select those you want to see in the online schedule and print them.
How many courses can I take?
During the fall and spring 16-week semesters, you can register for up to 19 credit hours (although most students are more successful with 12-15 hours). For an 8-week term you can take a maximum of 9 hours. During the summer term we suggest that you take no more than 6 credit hours per session. See maximum student load.
Learn More
- KCTCS Academic Regulations
- KCTCS Catalog (Course and program descriptions.)