Surgical Technology Additional Information
Admission Requirements
The joint program, Hopkinsville Community College and Madisonville Community College Surgical Technology Program, is a selective admission program. In addition to HCC's general admission requirements, candidates to the program must complete the following:
- Schedule an appointment with the program coordinator
- Schedule classes and pay tuition during registration
- Any and all deficiencies identified from placement testing must be remediated prior to admission
- Submit a written request for application for admission to the program coordinator ebeverly0003@kctcs.edu by April 1st .
- In May, each qualified Candidate will receive an email with the date, time and location for an interview.
- The program selection committee will meet in May to select candidates for the August class based on: GPA, Interview, KY residency and previous experience in the healthcare field.
- Students interested in entering the August class must have Intro to computers, medical terminology, SUR 109 Intro to Surgical Technology and BIO 135 ( for diploma option) OR BIO 137 and BIO 139 (for AAS option) completed prior to entering the August class. NOTE: Potential candidates may apply in April without having SUR 109 and BIO 135 OR Bio 137 and Bio 139 to the program and be accepted based on completing SUR 109 and BIO 135 OR Bio 137 and Bio 139 prior to the start of the Surgical Technology program in August.
- Professional CPR Training (must be maintained for the duration of the program)
Technical Standards
Surgical Technology involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of surgical technology technical functions. Therefore, all applicants should possess sufficient:
- visual acuity, such as is needed in the surgical environment and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and care;
- auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices (e.g., cardiac monitors, biomedical equipment, fire alarms, etc.);
- gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment, positioning and lifting patients required in meeting health needs related to surgical technology;
- verbal and non-verbal communication skills (speech, reading, and writing), such as are needed in classroom and clinical settings to interact with patients and professional personnel; and
- intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals.
Recommended Academic timeline
1st Semester:
AHS 115 - Medical Terminology - 3 credits
OST 105 - Introduction to Information Systems - 3 credits
ENG 101 - Writing I - 3 credits
FYE 105 - Achieving Academic Success - 3 credits
2nd Semester:
MAT 110 - Applied Mathematics - 3 credits
PSY 110 - General Psychology - 3 credits
PHI 110 - Medical Ethics - 3 credits
BIO 135 - Basic Anatomy and Physiology with Laboratory - 4 credits