Get the hands on experience you need to design, maintain and use different computing technologies.
What is Computer Information Technology?
This program includes tracks in Information Security, Internet Technologies, Network Administration, and Programming, with a core of courses common to all. The core includes a general education component essential to a collegiate education and a technical component giving students an introduction to information systems, computer applications, program development, system maintenance, networking, security, Internet technologies, database design, and collaborative system development. In addition to core courses, students take specialty courses for their selected track.

Getting Started
What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?
- Computer and Information Technologies AAS - Information Security Track
- Computer and Information Technologies AAS - Network Administration Track
- Computer and Information Technologies AAS - Business Software and Support Track
- Computer and Information Technologies AAS - Software Development Track
- Computer and Information Technologies AAS - General Track
- Computer and Information Technologies AAS - Internet Technologies Track
- A+ Prep Certificate
- CISCO Networking Certificate
- CIT Fundamentals Certificate
- Computer Tech Basic Certificate
- Computer Technician Certificate
- Microsoft Enterprise Administrator Certificate
- Microsoft Network Administrator Certificate
- Net+ Prep Certificate
- Network Technologies Specialist Certificate
- Programmer Certificate
- Security+ Prep Certificate
How Do I Pay For This?
Worry no more. With the lowest tuition in Kentucky, financial aid options, and a helping hand to guide you through the application process, we have you covered. We'll help you reach your goals at a price that won't break the bank.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.