Virtual Resources | HCC

Virtual Resources

Campus WiFi

The HCC Hopkinsville Campus offers WiFi that can be accessed safely while parked in the lots closest to the Rotary Club of Hopkinsville Learning Resource Center (Library) and the Administration Buildings.

Student, Business, and Workforce Services

Student, Business and Workforce Services are available at HCC. General information can be discussed by phone, TEAMS or email.

Online and Virtual Tutoring 

Virtual tutoring is provided through the Hopkinsville Online Tutoring Center by clicking on the Courses tab in Blackboard

Visit the Tutoring Center to see online tutoring schedules and contact information.


Library Services

Databases and KCTCS LibGuides for research assistance are available 24/7.   Virtual research assistance is available Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. through our Ask-A-Librarian portal and via virtual appointments. All of which can be accessed at the library's homepage.

Library Questions?


Online Bookstore

Purchase books through HCC's online store

The bookstore is working daily through their corporate location and shipping books from the warehouse. Students can return rental books by printing out a prepaid shipping label and mailing their books in. 

Questions? Email 


Mental Health Services

Pennyroyal Center

Call the 24/7 RESPOND number at (877) 473-7766


Keep In Touch

Check your KCTCS student email, our official communication channel. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HopkinsvilleCC and utilize the KCTCS app.