Youth Programs
Hopkinsville Community College offers educational opportunities for the youth of our community. Current programs provided by HCC's Workforce Solutions department are described below. For news and updates about all of our youth programs, follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HopkinsvilleCCYouth.
Summer 2023
We have made the very difficult decision to cancel KICCS this summer because we could not properly staff the program to provide the quality experience that our students and their families deserve. We will host camps for Men2Be and the Boys and Girls Club. If you are a member of either of those organizations, contact them for more details. Have a great summer!
Workforce Solutions Youth Programs Contacts
Lanita Wilson, Director of Program Facilitation
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Auditorium Building, Room 13
Phone: (270) 707-3743
Email: Lanita Wilson
Beverly Allen, Administrative Assistant
Office: Hopkinsville Campus, Auditorium Building, Room 13
Phone: (270) 707-3753
Email: Beverly Allen