Board of Directors
Hopkinsville Community College
Meeting Minutes: February 22, 2021
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Leigh Durden
Mrs. Pat Hinton
Mr. Donnie Holland
Mr. Anthony Holloway
Mrs. Katie Moyer
Mr. Richard Nelson
Mr. Pat Riley
Ms. Danielle Myers
HCC Guests Present:
Dr. Alissa Young
Dr. Chris Boyett
Mrs. Yvette Eastham
Mr. Jim Hunter
Mrs. Janice Jones
Mrs. Carol Kirves
Dr. Dale Leatherman
Ms. Allisha Lee
Mrs. Angel Prescott
Mrs. Rena Young
Other Guests Present:
Mr. Joshua Calussen, WKDZ
Ms. Elana Stubbs, HCC
The Hopkinsville Community College Board of Directors met in regular session on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 4:00 pm (CST) online using the Microsoft Teams platform.
Chair Richard Nelson called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.
Mr. Donnie Holland moved that the minutes from November 30, 2020 be approved as emailed
and presented. Ms. Katie Moyer seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Elana Stubbs joined the meeting to give an update on the 2020 Circle of Love event. A record number of children were served, 48 to be exact. Elana thanked the Board for supporting this event and sponsoring local children/families.
Dr. Young congratulated Dr. Leatherman and his family as the winner of the HCC Christmas Song Contest!
Dr. Dale Leatherman presented the finance report for the current year through January 31. This year has been unique, with a lot of uncertainties and challenges. Seven months, or 58% of the year, have been completed.
Dr. Leatherman shared information regarding revenue and highlighted the following:
- During the November meeting, Dr. Leatherman mentioned the possibility of a Governor initiated State Appropriation Swap Agreement. To date, this has not taken place. All state appropriations have been received on time with no reductions. HCC did receive an additional allocation of $143,000 from the Governor as expected.
- Tuition revenue is a challenge for most colleges and HCC is no exception. At the end of January, 75% of tuition budget has been met compared to 82% at this time last year. The tuition revenue budget is down by about 14.5%.
- HCC has not had to use any of the funds in the additional contingency line.
- In summary, 54% of the revenue budget has been met, about 4.5% less as compared to last year.
Dr. Leatherman shared information regarding expenditures and highlighted the following:
- The Instruction line is down by about 15% due to utilization of a grant and overall
reduced expenses.
Student financial aid disbursements are down by about 16% compared to last year. When enrollment is down, this expense will decrease as well. - Due to salary savings, the CARES grant, and reduction in financial aid, only 49% of the expense budget has been realized.
- In summary, revenues are exceeding expenditures by $1.4M which is more than double compared to this time last year.
The Business Office is beginning to build the budget for 2022. It will be presented for approval during the May Board meeting
Official spring enrollment numbers will not be finalized until the end of March. Mrs. Angel Prescott shared information about a few enrollment initiatives:
- Work Ready Campaign. This scholarship is supported by the KY Lottery, a partnership with a multitude of KY agencies, and KCTCS. It is geared towards students that have not earned an Associate or Bachelor’s degree who are interested in high tech programs. Students can receive up to 60 credit hours free. Currently, there is an ongoing statewide campaign to promote the Work Ready Scholarship. HCC received a generated list of potential leads and is working to contact these individuals. Upon initial analysis, 1/3 of these individuals would be new students to HCC, 1/3 are current students and are being coached by HCC staff, and another 1/3 are ineligible because of an already earned degree or Financial Aid. Please help spread the word in the community about the Work Ready Scholarship opportunity.
- Admissions, the Advising Center, and faculty are focused on enrollment for Spring II courses that begin in March. New and current students continue to be enrolled.
- March 1 begins the Advising Blitz when course enrollment will open for summer and fall. Faculty work tirelessly to encourage current students to go ahead and enroll in classes now. This is an important strategy for retention. On March 1, the admissions team will begin working with upcoming high school graduates.
Dr. Young gave a college update to share the great things that continue to happen at HCC.
- SACS-COC Reaccreditation. SACS is the organization that helps to ensure a quality education is being provided. There are several principles/standards that must be followed. A report has been written on how HCC is meeting those standards by a team of faculty and staff, led by Bob Smith & Kanya Allen, along with Cabinet. The report will be mailed this week and reviewed late spring/early summer. A Focus Report will be received to determine if additional information is needed. The SACS visit is scheduled for September 14-16. At this time, it is undetermined if it will be a virtual or physical visit. The SACS committee may request to visit with the Board of Directors. Janice will send a calendar invite to hold those dates. If a visit is required, the Board will be informed as quickly as possible.
- NASA Project. Sherry McCormack, Associate Professor of Math, will be participating in the NASA Citizens Science Leaders Series on how to become citizen scientists.
- HEERF Grant II Funding. HCC has received the Grant Award Notification; however, money cannot be disbursed to students or used until all 16 colleges in KCTCS have their notification. Monies will be awarded to students who meet the criteria and dollars awarded to the college must be used according to grant guidelines.
- The PathFinder Pantry was restocked in January with staple items.
- Donors contributed End of Year Gifts in 2020. Funds were used to stock the pantry and assist students through the Student Emergency Fund. Thank you to the Board members who donated and for continuing to serve and give of your time and financial resources.
- Congratulations to the Advancement Office for winning the CASE 2021 Gold award for CASE District III in the fundraising category: Fundraising on a Shoestring.
New Places & Renovated Spaces
- The roof of the Administration building is at “end of life.” It will be replaced beginning in August, with HCC and KCTCS sharing the cost.
- As mentioned before, HCC is part of an Energy Savings Project where changes are being made to lighting, plumbing, and HVAC controls around campus. This project is nearly finalized.
New Programs
- New certificate programs
- Enhanced Operator I & II. HCC is working with Todd County government, schools, and industry to offer these programs at the Advancement Manufacturing Technology Center in Todd County.
- Electrocardiogram Operator will be offered beginning Spring 2022 at HCC. This will provide opportunities in the healthcare field.
- 3D Printing Technician, in the field of additive manufacturing, industry, and healthcare, will be available Spring 2022 at HCC. Grant funds will be used to purchase equipment
New People
- HCC has received several retirement and resignation letters. Job announcements for these faculty and staff positions will be posted soon.
Board Evaluation & Presidential Evaluation. Janice Jones will send links for both evaluations via email next month. Information regarding Dr. Young’s outcomes will be provided at that time. Evaluations will be completed online using a Microsoft Teams Form. Chair Nelson asked for 100% participation. Board evaluation results will be shared locally, while the Presidential evaluation will be shared both locally and with Dr. Paul Czarapata, KCTCS Interim President.
The link for the COVID 19 Dashboard was provided. COVID numbers and active cases can be found here https://kctcs.edu/healthy-at-kctcs/covid-dashboard.aspx for all KCTCS schools.
Is there a room on campus large enough for the next Board meeting to meet in person, following CDC guidelines? As of now, the May 3rd Board meeting is scheduled as a Teams meeting. As the time approaches, this possibility will be taken into consideration.
Mr. Tony Holloway made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Katie Moyer seconded
the motion.
Motion carried.
Date Approved by Board of Directors : May 3, 2021
Signed Copy on File