Board of Directors
Hopkinsville Community College
Meeting Minutes: November 30, 2020
Board Members Present:
Mr. Darrell Crawford
Mrs. Leigh Durden
Mrs. Pat Hinton
Mr. Donnie Holland
Mr. Anthony Holloway
Mrs. Katie Moyer
Mr. Richard Nelson
Mr. Pat Riley
Mr. Hollis White
Ms. Danielle Myers
HCC Guests Present:
Dr. Alissa Young
Dr. Chris Boyett
Mrs. Yvette Eastham
Mr. Jim Hunter
Mrs. Janice Jones
Mrs. Carol Kirves
Dr. Dale Leatherman
Ms. Allisha Lee
Mrs. Angel Prescott
Mrs. Rena Young
Other Guests Present:
Mr. Alan Watts, WKDZ
Ms. Tammy Hancock, WKDZ
Mr. Jon Russelburg, KY New Era
The Hopkinsville Community College Board of Directors met in regular session on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 4:00 pm (CST) online using the Microsoft Teams platform.
Chair Richard Nelson called the meeting to order at 4:04 pm.
Dr. Young welcomed the SGA President Danielle Myers and announced that she will serve as the student representative on the Board of Directors.
Ms. Katie Moyer moved that the minutes from September 21, 2020 be approved as emailed
and presented. Mr. Donnie Holland seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Dale Leatherman presented the finance report for the current year to date. HCC’s fiscal year begins July 1. Forty-two percent of the year has been completed.
- Two allocations of state appropriations have been received, which are paid out quarterly.
There was concern that state appropriations would be reduced but the Governor has
not had to do this due to the state of the economy.
- Governor Beshear recently announced the State Appropriation Swap Arrangement. All universities and community colleges in Kentucky will have 2.8% of state appropriations reduced but will be swapped out with CARES money that the state received. This will be about $143,200 for HCC. The CARES money will be restricted to COVID related expenses whereas state appropriates are unrestricted funds.
- Governor Beshear has also announced an additional allocation of CARES money in the amount of $143,200 in addition to the CARES money already received.
- The fiscal year budget was prepared with the expectation of challenges regarding tuition and charges. To date, 61% of the tuition budget has been met as compared to 65% this time last year.
- None of the additional contingency funds that were placed in the budget in the event of a challenging year have been used.
- In summary, 43% of the revenue budget has been met after about 42% of the fiscal year has passed. This is not as strong as we would like for it to be but better than our expectations due to COVID challenges.
- Expenses are somewhat down from last year due to salary savings from unfilled positions, limited travel, CARES grant money that was used for COVID related expenses, and fewer students means less financial aid is being spent.
- Currently, revenues are more than expenditures by about $2,291,000.
- Overall, 35% of expenditure budget has been exhausted as compared to 39% at this time last year.
Mrs. Angel Prescott presented the enrollment report. The official enrollment data for Fall 2020 was shared. Overall, as reported to the Council on Postsecondary Education on November 1, HCC officially served 578 fewer students at Hopkinsville and Ft. Campbell this fall. Students Services continue to discuss new strategies to implement to increase student enrollment. Faculty and staff are working diligently and intentionally to coach and create academic plans that will best suit the students’ needs and put them on the road to success. Faculty and staff worked tirelessly from summer to fall. Big strides were made. It is a testament to the commitment of the faculty and staff to our students.
Question: Is there any anticipation for spring enrollment currently? Things are going well in terms of seeing success with implemented strategies. Enrollment is not far off from this time last year but there is still progress to be made.
Dr. Young gave a college update to share the great things that continue to happen at HCC at this time.
- Congratulations to Julia Laffoon-Jackson, Chair of the LASS Division, for her work in ENG 101 which earned a Blackboard Exemplary Course Award through the KCTCS KOOL Academy.
- Students from the first graduating class of the Massage Therapy Program are beginning to take their licensure exam. Three students have passed the MBLEX to officially become massage therapists.
- HCC virtually honored four recent retirees: Debbie Birdsong, Academic Advisor; Ann Nichols, Librarian; Art Pendleton, Business Professor, Dana Sandifer, Nursing Professor.
- On Tuesday, October 27th, Congressman Comer officially awarded the USDA Delta Healthcare Grant for over $460,000 for a pipeline proposal submitted by Madisonville Community College and Hopkinsville Community College. In partnership with MCC and in efforts to provide more opportunities in healthcare related fields to high school students in our area, HCC will begin working with Gateway Academy to offer EMT certification to high school students. Students completing the EMT course and successfully becoming certified will have the option to enter the workforce or continue their academic pursuit in a Allied Health program. Work to build the program will begin in January with intended implementation Fall 2021. This is an exciting time for both colleges as we work together to transform today's students into tomorrow's leaders in healthcare. Many thanks to Dr. Beth Beverly for her work to secure this grant!
- HCC received a donation from The Rotary Club of Hopkinsville for the Pathfinder Pantry in the amount of $1,500.
- HCC hosted the Pathfinder’s Great Gobble Giveaway with funds that were donated by Hopkinsville Rotary, Feeding America, Kroger Zero Hunger Zero Waste, and the HCC Foundation. Totes were packed by employees on Friday, November 20 and distributed to students on Monday November 23.
New Places & Renovated Spaces
- The Flexible Training Center, which was previously the welding building, is in the final completion stage. The certificates of occupancy and substantial completion have been received. Welding classes have begun using the facility. A grand opening will be scheduled after the first of the year.
- HCC is part of an Energy Savings Project where changes are being made to lighting, plumbing, and HVAC controls around campus. The boiler in the Library and Administration Building have been replaced, as well as the air handler unit in the Administration Building. Savings are guaranteed to pay for the cost of the renovations.
New Programs
- HCC will offer its first Winter Session from December 15 – January 12. All classes will be offered online.
- Two new tracks have been approved within two of the Associate of Applied Science Degrees.
- Beginning Fall 2020, a Hospitality Management Track within the Business Administration Degree will be offered.
- Beginning Spring 2021, a Medical Administrative Track within the Medical Information Technology Degree will be offered.
- HCC is working with Gateway Academy to build a pathway for students in their Culinary Arts program.
- HCC is working with the Todd County School District, county government, and local industry leaders to offer an Enhanced Operator I and II certificates at the Advanced Manufacturing Training Center in Elkton.
- Dr. Boyett is working with Austin Peay State University on a new articulation agreement that would help maximize transfer, enhance recruiting, and encourage reverse transfer.
A capital projects Strategic Needs Analysis must be submitted to System Office every two years. The plan includes projects such as asset preservation to the Academic, Administration, and Auditorium Buildings as well as the construction of a Maintenance & Operations Building. The construction of a Student Services Building was removed from the plan when it was last submitted.
Mr. Darrell Crawford moved to approve the plan. Mrs. Katie Moyer seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
- The link for the COVID 19 Dashboard was provided. COVID numbers and active cases can be found here (https://kctcs.edu/healthy-at-kctcs/covid-dashboard.aspx) for all KCTCS schools.
- Circle of Love will be held on December 15. Chair Nelson spoke with Elana Stubbs, Director of Student Activities, about current needs to make this event successful. Currently, additional children and sponsors are needed. Janice will forward information to the Board outlining opportunities to participate.
Mr. Anthony Holloway made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Katie Moyer seconded
the motion.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 4:53 pm.
February 22, 2021
Date Approved by Board of Directors
Signed Copy on File