Board of Directors
Hopkinsville Community College
Meeting Minutes: September 21, 2020
Board Members Present:
Mr. Darrell Crawford
Mrs. Leigh Durden
Mrs. Pat Hinton
Mr. Donnie Holland
Mr. Anthony Holloway
Mrs. Katie Moyer
Mr. Richard Nelson
Mr. Pat Riley
Mr. Hollis White
HCC Guests Present:
Dr. Alissa Young
Mrs. Yvette Eastham
Mr. Jim Hunter
Mrs. Janice Jones
Mrs. Carol Kirves
Dr. Dale Leatherman
Ms. Allisha Lee
Mrs. Angel Prescott
Mrs. Rena Young
Dr. Ken Casey
Other Guests Present:
Ms. Tammy Hancock, WKDZ
The Hopkinsville Community College Board of Directors met in regular session on Monday, September 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm (CST) online using the Microsoft Teams platform.
Chair Richard Nelson called the meeting to order at 4:04 pm.
Mr. Tony Holloway moved that the minutes from April 27, 2020 be approved as emailed
and presented. Mr. Donnie Holland seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Nelson welcomed to the HCC Board of Directors Mrs. Pat Hinton as the Staff Representative.
Per bylaws, officers are to be elected annually at the initial meeting. It is feasible to keep the existing officers in place. Current officers are Richard Nelson, Chair, Leigh Durden, Vice-Chair, and Hollis White, Secretary.
Mr. Donnie Holland made a motion to keep the same officers this year. Mr. Darrell
Crawford seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Board of Directors meet quarterly. The next meeting has already been scheduled for November 30. Two dates were proposed for February 22 and May 3. Janice Jones will send calendar invites to the Board. As of today, those meetings will be held via Teams. The Board will be notified should there be a change.
The HCC mission statement must be reviewed annually by faculty, staff, and the Board of Directors. Faculty and staff have already reviewed and approved the statement with no changes. The mission statement is: Hopkinsville Community College leads in academic excellence by preparing students for transfer and the workforce, inspiring lifelong learning.
Mr. Darrell Crawford moved to approve the mission statement with no changes. Mr. Donnie
Holland seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Dale Leatherman presented the finance report for the end of year 2019-2020 and the current year to date for 2020-2021.
HCC’s fiscal year ended on June 30. One hundred percent of state appropriations were received even after the concern of the Governor reducing the appropriations due to COVID-19. Revenues from 2019-2020 exceeded expenses.
Some changes the occurred to the approved budget for 2020-2021 include increasing tuition by $5 per credit hour and increasing the contingency budget line per recommendation from KCTCS should there be a state appropriation cut.
With only 2.5 months into the current 2020/2021 fiscal year, it is too early to project the end of fiscal year results. The first portion of state appropriations has been received. Generally, 30% is given within the first quarter. Twenty-nine percent was received with the expectation of receiving the additional 1% in the second quarter. Compared to last year at this time, tuition revenue is down just a bit. Total revenue for the 2020-2021 realized to date is at 27%, a slight decrease from 30% at this time last year. In regards to expenses, costs are being monitored closely. A number of budgeted positions have not been filled. Travel is a minimum. Twenty percent of expenses have been realized to date versus 27% last year.
Chair Nelson extended his appreciation to the administration for being frugal with funds. Dr. Young stated that she appreciates the job Dr. Leatherman is doing. While HCC is being conservative, Dr. Young is aware of faculty and staff workload but at the same time must be aware of institutional obligations.
A question was asked about the contingency fund showing as a revenue. Dr. Leatherman explained that if that money were spent it would be considered revenue to cover expenses. The plan is to spend very little if any of those funds.
Mrs. Angel Prescott presented the enrollment report. The official enrollment data for Summer 2020 was shared. Overall, as reported to the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), HCC officially served 831 students at Hopkinsville and Ft. Campbell this summer. This number also included dual credit students. There was a slight decline of 136 students from last summer. The official fall enrollment will be reported to CPE after October 31 and to the Board at the November meeting.
HCC has been actively executing initiations, marketing efforts, social media campaigns, virtual orientations, and one-on-one appointments to keep current students enrolled.
A question was asked about a Hopkinsville student who enrolls at a sister institution. If the student is an HCC student, HCC receives the headcount and the sister institution receives the revenue. That situation is considered an export and HCC works very hard to identify those students. If we see the student is taking an online class that we offer in the same format, the student is contacted to enroll in the course offered at HCC.
Dr. Young gave a college update to share the great things that continue to happen at HCC at this time.
Celebrations. Congratulations to:
- Two HCC teams, for a total of five students, were recognized at the 2019-2020 American Mathematical Association for Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) and received Regional Awards. One team was considered for the National Award. Mr. Ted Wilson & Ms. Sally Jackman, math and science faculty, mentored the teams.
- Jennifer Nazario, who works in the Advancement Office, was the recipient of the international Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Virginia Carter Smith scholarship.
New People. Three new people join HCC this year:
- Mr. Norman Godwin as an instructor of Business
- Ms. Kiera Vargas as the Director of the Library
- Dr. Chris Boyett as Chief of Academic Officer
New Spaces
- Flexible Training Center. The welding facility has been renovated and expanded through a grant partnered with CCPS. This new facility will house welding, CDL, construction tech, workforce solutions training opportunities, and other flexible classrooms. Completion is scheduled for mid-late October.
- Energy Savings Project. Select critical components are being replaced on campus to conserve energy (lighting, controls, plumbing, boiler work). The annual savings are guaranteed to cover the cost.
New Programs
- EMS/Paramedic Program is not a new program but off to a good start this semester, working cooperatively with Madisonville Community College.
- HCC has added a Certificate in Hospitality Administration that feeds into the Associate of Applied Science Degree in the Business program.
Department of Ed CARES Grants. The college received several grants from the Department of Education and was used as follows:
- Students: $699,663 was disbursed directly to students
- Institutional: $669,662 was used for additional student aid, the purchase of laptops for the student Laptop Loaner Program, and expenses to support remote learning and operations. In the Laptop Loaner Program, students can borrow a laptop for course work by completing an application through the Advancement Office. Faculty and staff must recommend the student and a committee reviews each application.
- CPE Governors Emergency Educational Relief: $74,100 was used to purchase miscellaneous expenses such as gloves, sanitizer, masks, floor decals, and up-to-date hardware for faculty/staff to work remotely should it be required in the future.
- Student Success: $7,500 was used to restock the PathFinder Pantry with food/toiletry items, along with $35 gift cards for Kroger. In the spring semester, the pantry items were donated to the local Boys & Girls Club. The PathFinder Pantry is now affiliated with the Feeding America program and food items are now able to be purchased in bulk.
- Strengthening Institutions Program: $67,805 was used for cost reimbursement due to COVID-19.
- The annual Golf Scramble is October 2. The teams are full but if you are interested in a hole sponsor please see Mrs. Yvette Eastham this week. The sponsorship is $100.
- The Foundation Board opted to not hold the Gala this year.
- The Annual campaign will be forthcoming. The Foundation Board is not sure of the launch date at this point.
HCC has been asked, as well as all higher education institutions, to report COVID-19 positives. The website to the dashboard is https://kctcs.edu/healthy-at-kctcs/covid-dashboard.aspx
Mrs. Katie Moyer thanked the administration for their well-prepared reports.
Chair Nelson reiterated the importance of supporting the Golf Scramble. While the golf scramble is full, hole sponsors are still welcomed. Please see Yvette Eastham if you are interested in a hole sponsor.
The November meeting will be virtual. Under government guidelines, HCC’s current plan of action states all meetings will be held virtual. If things change, you will be notified as soon as possible. Dr. Young asked for continued patience as we work to remain as safe as possible.
Mr. Donnie Holland encouraged the college to keep up the good work under the extreme circumstances.
Mrs. Katie Moyer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Tony Holloway seconded
the motion.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:01 pm
Date Approved by Board of Directors: November 30, 2020
Signatures are on file.