Spring Registration Still Underway at HCC for Jan. 14 Class Start
Hopkinsville Community College spring classes begin Monday, January 14.Registration is currently underway at both Hopkinsville and Fort Campbell campuses through January 14.Current and returning students with a My Academic Plan (MAP) on file may complete registration with their Student Self-Service access. Students with incomplete files will need to complete all admission requirements before registration. Those who have not yet started the application process should first visit with an Academic Advisor for registration assistance.
New Fort Campbell campus students must attend an Enable group advising session, which can be scheduled at the Admissions/Records window at Fort Campbell. New students will plan their schedule during the Enable session and will receive one-time access to their Self-service account for adding classes.
The new KCTCS Student Service Center is open 24/7-365 to answer certain questions. Current students who have questions about their financial aid, charges and payments, password resets, Blackboard, and Learn on Demand can call anytime at 855-22GO-HCC (855-224-6422) or visit online.
Spring II classes begin March 18.