Hopkinsville Community Colleges President, Dr. Jim Selbe, attended the first-ever White House Summit on Community Colleges on Tuesday, October 5.
This is an exciting process to be a part of, stated Selbe. Its a once in a lifetime experience. I am pleased that this President recognizes the value of community colleges to education and workforce development of the country. It is good to see community colleges on the national agenda.
The summit included breakout sessions on topics covering: Industry Partnerships, Pathway to a Baccalaureate, Increasing Graduation Rates, Affordability/Financial Aid, Innovation: Community Colleges of the Future, Supporting Military Families and Veterans. Selbe participated in the session focusing on serving military students that was co-hosted by Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The White Houses request to attend came in recognition of HCCs unique Warrior Battalion Education Program which is a piece of the colleges Wounded Warrior Program. Selbe delivered a presentation about the program in Washington earlier this year.
Dr. Selbe has been the President of Hopkinsville Community College since 2006. Most recently, Selbe chaired the worlds largest Rotary charity auction, raising over $311,000 for student scholarships. He has served on the American Association of Community Colleges Commission on Academic, Students and Workforce Development and currently serves as chair of the Pennyrile P-16 Council.
According to the White House website, President Obama asked Dr. Jill Biden to convene the event to highlight the critical role that community colleges play in developing Americas workforce and reaching our educational goals. The summit brought together community colleges, business, philanthropy, federal and state policy leaders, and students to discuss how community colleges can help meet the job training and education needs of the nations evolving workforce, as well as the critical role these institutions play in achieving the Presidents goal to lead the world with the highest proportion of college graduates by 2020.
Attendees of the Community College Summit included: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Melinda Gates, Co-Chair and Trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, William Green, Chairman and CEO of Accenture, Eduardo Padron, President of Miami Dade College, Ted Carey, President of the Student Association of Community Colleges and other students, educators and leaders from across the country.