HCC Instructor Researching Health Impact on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Hopkinsville Community College (HCC) Nursing Instructor Kim Robitaille is conducting a research study to examine the health implications for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Ms. Robitaille is asking for area grandparents that are raising grandchildren full-time to participate in an interview that will take 60-90 minutes total.
According to the Generations United website, 23,365 Kentucky children under 18 are being raised in grandparent headed households in which no parents are present.
Robitaille is doing this research as part of her nursing doctoral work at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (IRB # 11-01538-XP). Research participants will help us glean more knowledge about the impact that caregiving has on these grandparents, stated Robitaille. In the long run, I would hope that this research would lead to the development of programs to support grandparents raising their grandchildren. Currently, many grandparents have limited support, a large amount of stress and difficulties transitioning back into the parenting role.
Grandparents who are interested in participating will be paid $20 for completing the questionnaire interview. Only one grandparent per family is eligible. Contact Kim Robitaille at (270) 350-1096 for more information.