HCC, APSU Awarded $1.2 Million Energy Sector Partnership Grant
Today during a press conference at Hopkinsville Community College, the Kentucky Workforce Investment Board awarded Hopkinsville Community College (HCC) and Austin Peay State University (APSU) a $1.2 million State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) grant to establish training for emerging green occupations throughout western Kentucky.
The HCC / APSU proposal was initially submitted to the West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board then passed on to the Kentucky Energy Sector Partnership and eventually selected at a national level by the U.S. Department of Labor. The proposal outlined the development and collaboration of an associate of chemical engineering technology degree program. The degree pathway will be a 1+1 program where students will complete 33 credit hours at HCC then transfer to APSU to complete the remaining 30 credit hours.
This grant is a great opportunity for us to bring a brand new program of study to our region. We know that green technology is the direction of the future and that there are industries in our area that will have a demand for individuals with that niche training, said HCC President Dr. Jim Selbe. We are currently finalizing program details, but we know that this funding will cover the costs of tuition, books and specialized tutoring services for a large number of students who qualify for the chemical engineering technology program.
We feel this is an excellent opportunity to work with educational partnerships across state lines through Hopkinsville Community College and Austin Peay State University in order to build the regional, skilled workforce needed. The workforce does not stop at the state line so we must address the regional workforce aspect of this need, noted Sheila Clark, Executive Director, West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board.
Hopkinsville Community College will hold informative meetings regarding the chemical engineering technology program in the future. Interested students can request to be added to a mailing list to receive program updates by contacting Kristy Howell at (270) 707-3713 or khowell0007@kctcs.edu.
This grant is provided with 100% federal funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, U.S. Department of Labor and through the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet and the West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board.