HCC Announces KICCS 2010 Plans
This summer Hopkinsville Community College will celebrate the 20th year of Kids in College Can Soar (KICCS), an interactive summer camp program conducted by the college for area students who will be in grades one through six this fall. Since its inception in 1991, more than 4,500 students have attended KICCS at HCC.
HCC will host five weeks of KICCS this summer four weeks on the Hopkinsville campus and one week in Cadiz. The dates are June 7-11, June 14-18, July 12-16, and July 19-23 at the Hopkinsville campus and the week of June 21-25 in Cadiz. Classes meet from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily.
The success of KICCS continues to depend largely on the imagination and enthusiasm of the faculty. KICCS teachers are passionate, inventive and knowledgeable. They are outstanding role models for the children of our community, said Carol Kirves, Associate Dean of Continuing Education, Workforce Solutions and Community Education. We encourage and invite area residents to submit teaching proposals as early as possible.
For those interested in teaching a KICCS class this summer, a completed application should be returned to Kirves no later than Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Instructors with accepted proposals will be paid $400 for each week of classes taught. A committee of educators, parents, students and administrators will review applications and select classes by April 7.Proposal forms should be submitted for consideration.
Teaching a KICCS class gives instructors an opportunity to work with students who are eager to learn and happy to be in the classroom. As a KICCS teacher, you can use innovative ideas that just dont fit into required curriculum, Kirves added.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting Kirves at (270) 707-3751 or via email to carol.kirves@kctcs.edu.