GED Graduation and Adult Go2College Fair
A celebration of a diverse group of graduates is set to take place on the campus of Hopkinsville Community College on Tuesday, April 17, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Families and friends of over 150 GED (General Educational Development) graduates will celebrate this milestone achievement and have the opportunity of learning about moving to the next level with the Go2College Adult College Fair. The Go2College Adult College Fair targets these GED graduates, and offers the opportunity for participants from across the community to learn about applying for college admissions and financial aid as well as learning about high wage/high demand career training available at HCC. The College Fair will begin at 3:00 p.m. and run through the graduation event, ending at 9:00 p.m. Staff from the college will be available to evaluate transcripts for students who may have already accumulated some college credit. Sometimes all a person needs is some expert advice and a little motivation to get back in school to finish out a degree or credential, stated Kanya Allen, the colleges coordinator of career services. We hope that this event targeted to adults will help them begin a path to realize their goals, she concluded.
Gary Dawson, Director of Academic Foundations coordinates GED preparation for the college. Students come to Hopkinsville Community College at all educational stages. Some students need to complete their GED, the high school equivalency diploma. Other students need help with pre-college courses to get ready for college-level work. Any adult who did not complete high school can attend Adult Education to study for the GED to earn the High School Equivalency Diploma, said Dawson. The students we will honor at graduation will be joined by outstanding students from our English Language Learners program, and we will also recognize our community partners who host satellite classes, he continued. Any adult who wants to refresh his/her basic skills before enrolling at HCC and taking the COMPASS placement test may use the adult education services. These services are available free of charge.Adult Education Services at Hopkinsville Community Collegeis made possible through collaboration with Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE).
Dawson continued, We are looking forward to having Rev. Paige Williams, pastor of Hopkinsville First United Methodist Church, and a GED graduate, speak for graduation. Rev. Williams was raised in Hopkins County and graduated from Western Kentucky Community and Technical College in Paducah. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Western Kentucky University in 1990 and received her Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt University in 1993.