Free GED Testing Available in Kentucky Through June
The GED test will be free in Kentucky through June 30. Kentuckians taking the test during that timeframe will not have to pay the usual $55 fee. Kentucky Adult Education, a unit of the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), will pay the fee.
We are excited that CPE is covering the test charge, said Gary Dawson, director of Academic Foundations for Hopkinsville Community College. Many times that $55 fee is a barrier to our students who are ready to take the GED test.
Any adult who did not complete high school can receive free assistance from Hopkinsville Community Colleges Adult Education department to study for the GED. Students can call the Adult Education department at (270) 707-3925 for more information. Adult Education Services at HCC are made possible through collaboration with Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE).
To be eligible to take the GED, students must first successfully complete the GED Official Practice Test to make sure they are prepared for the actual test. The GED tests are currently offered only in a paper-pencil format at official GED Testing Centers the tests cannot be taken online.
Hopkinsville Community College administers the GED at 7:30 a.m. on one Saturday of each month. Pre-registration is required. The deadline for all examinees to make a testing appointment is 4 p.m. on the Thursday before the Saturday test date. To register, applicants must submit the documentation they receive from the HCC Adult Education staff. For upcoming test dates or more information about registering to take the GED at HCC, contact Leigh Conyers at (270) 707-3750.
The GED tests provide adults who did not finish high school with the opportunity to certify their attainment of high school-level academic knowledge and skills. The GED consists of five parts reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. Completing the entire test battery takes just over seven hours.