The average annual cost of books and supplies for college students attending full time, per semester exceeds $1,200, according to the College Board. Now, more than ever, paying for textbooks is a financial struggle. According to the US Public Interest Research Group study in January of 2020, 65% of students admitted that they have put off getting the necessary materials for their classes even though they worried the decision would hurt their grade. In the study, one in six chose not to enroll in or dropped a class because of the cost of textbooks.
The Atwood Textbook Scholarship of the Hopkinsville Community College Foundation, Inc. currently provides $500.00 in assistance per semester, based upon annual Foundation fund-raising efforts, to aid students with the cost of textbooks. This fund was founded by the generous efforts of Terry Hamby of Cadiz, who appealed to attendees at the annual gala to raise $50,000 in one evening in 2009. Mr. Hamby's appeal was successful, and funds to establish the endowment were obtained. We are grateful to Mr. Hamby and the donors who helped to establish this important opportunity. The scholarship was named by a previous college president to honor the career and work of longtime Business Affairs Chief Beverly Atwood.
Time and again we see that even modest scholarships encourage and strengthen a students determination to succeed. To apply for a textbook scholarship, which is given out in both spring and fall terms, please complete the Application Textbook Scholarship. Beginning in 2020, students will only need to apply one time for consideration for a scholarship for both semesters.
In addition to the Atwood Textbook Scholarship Program, the HCC Foundation also manages the application and award process for the Sam Miles Textbook Scholarship, an institutional endowment. Both scholarships use the common textboook scholarship application. Students are encouraged to be especially attentive to the essay portion of the application, as the committee thoroughly reads each application.
Our goal is to ensure that the cost of textbooks is never a hindrance for students. The endowment will ensure in perpetuity, funding of textbook scholarships for Hopkinsville Community College students. Our local $50,000 was matched by KCTCS funding, dollar for dollar, to fund the endowment for an initial $100,000.00 in principal. During the 2021-2022 academic year, the HCC Foundation in tandem with the Sam Miles account will award $36,000 in textbook scholarships. The HCC Foundation's fundraisers, The Mike Foster Golf Scramble and the Annual Gala Scholarship Auction both help fund this important program. Donors may also designate gifts to the Textbook Scholarship funds with annual gifts as well as planned gifts.
For questions, please call us at (270)707-3733.