BuildSmart - HCC Emerging Technologies Center

To celebrate the ribbon cutting of the Emerging Technologies Center, BuildSmart Co-chair Terri Henderson composed the following poem:
We've waited almost 20 years to see this Phoenix rise.
And now, what we have dreamed about is right before our eyes.
And what a lovely sight it is, our vision crystal clear.
Mechanics, farmers, doctors; we can teach them all right here!
An education is priceless, it opens every door.
The students will be all they wish and maybe, even more.
The ambulance, the siren screams, so very loud indeed.
The EMTS may save your life in tragic times of need.
How many generations will this brand new building see?
New dreams and aspirations, all that they are meant to be.
You've given to a worthy cause, it's history in the making.
If every student knew your gift, YOUR HAND they would be shaking!
We're grateful to you, beyond words a legacy to treasure.
The good you've done by giving here, there is no way to measure.
Please...tour this grand new building that is made of glass and steel.
The pleasure is all ours, you see... YOU ARE REALLY A BIG DEAL!